1. Subject: Name/ "Emcee, Feature, or Headliner." Whatever spot you're submitting for should be the video link you're sending us. Make sure the video is a continuous shot and it's not chopped up and pieced together. We want to see your full set. Emcee: 15 minutes Feature: 25 minutes Headliner 45 minutes
2. Submitting your Video The video should start with you, not a host bringing you up. (Remember, most producers watch only the first few minutes. First impressions last a long time.)
3. Clean Video -Not all our shows are clean. However, many shows are clean or PG-13 (naughty not vulgar). No explicit language or content.
4. Quality Video - Make sure your sound and lighting is clear. Helpful if the video is filmed in a comedy club.
5. E-Mail Logistics -Tell us about yourself/Credits, Festivals, mutual comedians we know. Is there a specific show of ours you're submitting to? Where are you located?
6. Links to your social media (Instagram, TikTok, Twitter) -We don't care about your following, we're looking at the content you're putting out to see if you're a good fit for our shows.
7. Recommendation (Optional) -If you see a comedian friend on our show, let us know in your e-mail.
8. Website (Optional) - Have a link to your website with an updated calendar.
9. Following up -If you have done everything listed and are following up, keep in mind, dates and show logistics change throughout the year. It's always helpful if you're referring to a specific show/location/date.
Remember, we're comedians too, we know it's a competitive industry, we're always happy to give advice and or feedback if you have any questions.